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Main : Members : Gary_P Radiator swap

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Radiator swap
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SubmitterGary_PMore Photos from Gary_P   Last Update2006/9/8 1:57    Tell a friendTell a friend
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First series of photos will be of the radiator swap I performed on my 1200. Stock cooling system did not have enough capacity when the car rolled off the assembly line and now 36 years later, it's almost useless...

Getting a 3 layer core installed in my tanks was quoted at over $250.00 and did not add the capacity I wanted.

From Halsey Automotive in Portland OR., I was able to purchase new in the box, a 1986 Golf radiator for $43.00. That's right, $43.00 for a new plastic and aluminum radiator! This is their regular price by the way.

After some poking around in the wrecking yards I found that the Golf's with AC had one lower mount for the AC condenser that was removable. The AC condenser and Radiator use the same mouting scheme. So, after a few minutes, I had a handfull of Golf radiator mounting hardware.

First picture is a top view of the modified Volkswagen lower radiator mount.

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