Thanks Sidedraught . Any members in Japan, try to enrroll a english speaking japanese in the club!
We need to put an end to all that good stuff available that we miss because of the language barrier.
The closest I came to owning an excellent front end was through a american guy stationed in Japan. He sent me all the pixes , and when time came to consumate the transaction.........he never responded.
The only way would be to travel to Japan or Soth Africa and find one excellent/ 140Z. Ship it in a container and go from there.
There is a pix of a yellow 140Z in Portugal. Could it be it was offered in some european countries?? or perhaps it was an african Datsun making its way up north to Portugal....
This excellent /140-160Z car is the Sasquash of the Datsun world...there is reports of sightings...... but there is no conclusive proof...... go to see one..