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sunny_coupe110 |
Posted: 2007/5/5 6:27 Updated: 2007/5/5 6:27 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2006/5/11 From: Mie Japan Posts: 398 |
 Re: proxima montagem Hi Lotto, It is a good idea! CBR1000xx?? What is FCR or PGM-F1 ?
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beattie |
Posted: 2007/5/5 14:58 Updated: 2007/5/5 14:58 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/10/16 From: Perth WA Posts: 2134 |
 Re: proxima montagem Thats cool! Im doing the quad motorbike carb idea aswell. But mine are off a CB750. What are using fuel system wise?
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Lotto |
Posted: 2007/5/16 6:42 Updated: 2007/5/16 6:42 |
Just can't stay away   Joined: 2006/2/26 From: Cascais/Portugal Posts: 118 |
 Re: proxima montagem Its for Honda CBR 600F carbs i think its good. In the honda gives 110cv 14000 rpm, this must be more than good.