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Main : Mechanical : Engine a15 head

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a15 head
a15 headPopular
SubmitterTUF-110More Photos from TUF-110   Last Update2007/5/23 9:03    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits2595  Comments4    0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)
my a15 head with heart shape combustion chambers later the head will be decked 40 thou for 10:1 comp should give it a lil bit of oomph hehe

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/5/24 0:36  Updated: 2007/5/24 0:36
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/8/11
From: Perth
Posts: 2692
 Re: a15 head
That looks alittle bit like mine

I wouldn't go shaving too much off it though
Piston choice will give you compressions. Don't just shave the head down. Cause once the metal is gone its gone. Have a head issue and you'll need to start looking for another
Just deck it enough to get a nice straight face
Same with the ports. If its a street motor don't hog them out too far
Big ports don't breathe well down low as they need gobs of air . Small ports give more airspeed and driveability.

Pick the right pistons, cam and carbs and you can make good HP and still keep it driveable
My engine made 100 hp atw with 9.0:1 comp , small ports and stock deck.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/5/24 10:08  Updated: 2007/5/24 10:08
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2007/5/23
From: Wagga Wagga, NSW
Posts: 1250
 Re: a15 head
whats with the texta on your gasket?

how are you making 100 hp with 9:0:1 comp? thats cool

whats your engines mods to make this power?

cheers jake

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/5/24 10:14  Updated: 2007/5/24 10:14
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/8/11
From: Perth
Posts: 2692
 Re: a15 head
Thats actually the sealing surface they put on the gasket
Its a thin bead

Engine has "minor mods" thats how we made the power

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/5/24 11:25  Updated: 2007/5/24 11:25
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2007/5/23
From: Wagga Wagga, NSW
Posts: 1250
 Re: a15 head
ive just had a look at your website "minor mods" aye lol you have an awesome 1000 race car nice work mate would be very quick
