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tsillay |
Posted: 2003/6/9 4:00 Updated: 2003/6/9 4:00 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2002/11/26 From: Wellington New Zealand Posts: 468 |
 Re: B310 Hitachi electronic ignition I ran one of these...they're brilliant. Brought it new from Nissan in about 1988 brand new for 70 bucks...Still going strong in my brothers Hillman Imp hillclimber....
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D |
Posted: 2003/6/9 7:23 Updated: 2003/6/9 7:23 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2002/10/28 From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS Posts: 10946 |
 Re: B310 Hitachi electronic ignition Is this for the a15??? if so is there a part number? Ive aquired a few n12 electronic dizzies with the imbuilt modules but dont know yet how to convert them for the a15?
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Dak |
Posted: 2003/6/9 8:04 Updated: 2003/6/9 8:04 |
Just popping in   Joined: 2003/4/19 From: Wanganui, NZ Posts: 9 |
 Re: B310 Hitachi electronic ignition PN 22020-N6925 1979 A12S, A14
Thats the part number, I picked the one up I have for $30, it's brand new and never been used, I going to run it in a E15 motor, if I can figure out where to get a rotor button for it.