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Main : Mechanical : Body and Interiors stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute

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stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
stretched (photoshop) 1200 UtePopular
SubmitterdattodudeMore Photos from dattodude   Last Update2003/7/6 3:32    Tell a friendTell a friend
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Another creation..

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/6 3:36  Updated: 2003/7/6 3:36
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 1998/12/6
From: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 5806
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
I hope these guys don't mind me stretching their cars like this..


Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/6 3:40  Updated: 2003/7/6 3:40
Home away from home
Joined: 2002/11/30
From: Tas
Posts: 365
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
What program are u using is this Photoshop 7.0?
I'm actually looking for a program to do this sort of thing bearing in mind I'm no computer wiz
I'm sure they wont mind - I'll try & find a good pic of mine for u to streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/6 3:44  Updated: 2003/7/6 3:44
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 1998/12/6
From: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 5806
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
Yeah photoshop 7, the first 2 door photo was harder as it was diagonal, so I had to copy/transform-shrink/paste/blend the back half, then blend the middle bit from one side to the other.

The one was just cut/paste/blend.

It's a good way to burn up hours when you are bored. Plus you are learning photoshop skills.


Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/6 3:45  Updated: 2003/7/6 3:45
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/12/2
From: Brisbane
Posts: 2317
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
imagine the amount of cartons you could get in there!! plus a spa! a few chicks too!!!! arrhhhhhhh *DREAMS*

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/6 3:50  Updated: 2003/7/6 3:50
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/5/5
From: Okinawa, Japan
Posts: 1292
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
LMAO! That's f###'n hilarious!

Keep it up!

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/6 3:53  Updated: 2003/7/6 3:53
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/5/5
From: Okinawa, Japan
Posts: 1292
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
Hmmm... Dachsund or Datsun?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/6 7:03  Updated: 2003/7/6 7:03
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31682
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
So all you need is the $400 Adobe Photoshop program?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/6 9:38  Updated: 2003/7/6 9:38
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 1998/12/6
From: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 5806
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
I'm sure you could do just as good with Linux and GIMP. They are free.

A little creativity is good too. Although I'm not too creative, so I don't think you need too much..


Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/7 13:58  Updated: 2003/7/7 13:58
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/8/25
From: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 1618
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
So all you need is the $400 Adobe Photoshop program?

*cough* Kazaa!! *cough*

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/17 9:08  Updated: 2003/7/17 9:08
Home away from home
Joined: 2002/10/14
Posts: 549
 Re: stretched (photoshop) 1200 Ute
man i wish i could do this stuff i got photo shop 7.0 and i cant figure it out i hope my freind will teach me how soon any way looks the real deal to me but its not possible how many ute would you have to chop up to make it