I see the work you done,......im going the other end of the ute, I pickup a ute with the front smack in cuttin it down to make a trailer to match my ute ,.......
i seen an old 1963 FE Holden ute towing another ute cut down as a trailer and it looked soo kool,..... so il think il give it a go to mine
tanks not alowed out the back anymore he ripped that black dog to shreds few weeks ago pour fella nearly bled to death so he is house bound till i can sort out a big pen for him
well what do u expect if u dont desex your dogs..they will get all territorial on each other and try to kill each other! u own the shepherd in the b/ground?
lol hey . . wel it was ment to be in paint on monday but i wanted it for few more days so im droppin it off tomorrow arvo . .when it goes ill get the tray fully finnished off along with few other things get me windows all cleaned up and tinted b4 they go back in
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Posts: 10946
Re: Laneys1200 tray
Young blokes these days think its cool to look like girls shaving their legs, bleached long hair and plucked eyebrows Too many ads on Nivea for men and the trend in shelving.