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Main : Mechanical : Fuel Injection A15 EFI Throttle Body comparison

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A15 EFI Throttle Body comparison
A15 EFI Throttle Body comparisonPopular
SubmitterAFRacerMore Photos from AFRacer   Last Update2003/7/25 16:46    Tell a friendTell a friend
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Here is a comparison of the stock EFI throttle body (tiny) next to the one I snagged off a ~1986 Stanza (CA20E?) should flow better!

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/9/20 16:07  Updated: 2003/9/20 16:07
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/7/13
From: T'ville
Posts: 491
 Re: A15 EFI Throttle Body comparison
that stock one looks like someone has already machined out the primary opening-mine had a 10mm opening but a 25mm primary plate so I got it machined out to the 25mm, it works well.
but then so does the throttle body off a RB30et engine i tried that for a while but too hard to drive it had two positions idle and full noise and full air flow (for an A15 )was achieved in about 25mm of accelerater are you building anefi car?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/26 4:44  Updated: 2003/7/26 4:44
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2001/1/30
From: California
Posts: 2973
 Re: A15 EFI Throttle Body comparison
I can't see either TB that well.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/7/26 5:41  Updated: 2003/7/26 5:41
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31682
 Re: A15 EFI Throttle Body comparison
ah, the Nissan EGI system.