demojob this is the diagram i drew
for those that dont know, this is how to mount an ea alternator, advantages:
-no more regulator as it is now in the alterator
-and 75-85 amps of charge as opposed to the 1200's 25 amp, good for use with BIG stereo, BIG driving lights or injection (i have the first two
actually looking at the diagram it it is a little inaccurate
the bottom "nut" is actually welded to the alternator bracket and you can just use the stock 1200 bolt for this
for the back i just use a bolt with 8mm diameter and push it through the opposite direction to shown
i dont have washers where i said put washers anymore either as its probably better not to so that the bolt just pulls the back of the altenator backwards, might work, not sure
be sure to use spring washers and make sure its all well secure as i recently found the back bolt was gone and the front had sheared off!, it still worked only hanging from the top, how i do not know
i put new bolts in as explained but used a spring washer at the back, hopefully this will hold now
dont know if its said here but the pulley will align with those on the motor if altenator is mounted this way which is quite handy
i will follow up with wiring info at a later date