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Main : Racing : Track Geoff coming over the Dogleg.....Benny in pursuit!

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Geoff coming over the Dogleg.....Benny in pursuit!
Geoff coming over the Dogleg.....Benny in pursuit!Popular
Submitterdatman55More Photos from datman55   Last Update2005/5/15 10:43    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits2155  Comments1    0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)
Nice pic of Geoff's car...seemed to be working well today.

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Posted: 2005/7/30 10:42  Updated: 2005/7/30 10:42
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/2/29
From: Sydney , NSW
Posts: 923
 Re: Geoff coming over the Dogleg.....Benny in pursuit!
Hadn't seen this one before - thanks Mark! One of the worst meets for benny and I ( or should that be "smokey the Ben" and "dooba!).Benny lunched a set of pistons and i found that dropping 30 hp equals poor laptimes Two events later and I have found out why , but hopefully now ready to sort out the 1000 boys if they come to the next S/S on 25 August.!!!