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Posted: 2005/5/29 13:00 Updated: 2005/5/29 13:00 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2003/6/27 From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia Posts: 8287 |
 Re: crystal Mmmmm Auto trans. If the engine is in good condition, & a good state of tune, then the auto will work well. It relies on manifold vacuum to help control the shift speeds & a well tuned engine in good condition will produce good vacuum & give optimum performance.
The auto in my sons 1200 coupe's is a bit sluggish when cold, so i lock it in second for the first few K's & drive it steady untill both the trans & the engine develop a bit of warmth. Once everything is at full operating temp it is all a source of joy. It takes a bit of practice to prevent the 1 - 2 shift fron being a bit harsh, but once it's rolling it's great.
According to my parts book,both the auto trans & the head rests were an option, so i'm guessing that this car is a DeLuxe model,..... bonus.
You gonna love it.