A "die hard" Ford man could turn around and say if Datsuns are so good why did they get brought out by Nissan, and if Nissan are so good why did they go broke and get brought out by Renault??? Does that mean Nissan won the F1 world chamionship last year... not really....
And after having a guided tour of the "Aston Martin" factory in England 3 weeks ago and being told that all there cars are sold for the next 3 years, thats not a bad financial investment for Ford considering they own Aston Martin and are the largest car manufacturer in the world....
I am a die hard Datsun man... I love my little datos, there cheap, fun, and nearly bullet proof

I love my little 1000 A12 Turbo, nearly as much as I love my 800hp Nissan GTR...
My Falcon is something different, just cos some people may knock us for driving "little old rice burner buzz boxes" lets not stoop to there level and act the same...