hey all up for sale is my 71' 1200 sedan
reason for selling just bought a 1600 (dont mean to offend

all standard 1.2L 4speed manual.
has been hit on the left hand side.
comes with two extra straight doors
b pillar and sill need work.
starts first time, blows a bit of smoke with choke on other wise fine
has original black interior in great cond (seams slightly splitting on drivers seat)
perfect dash 47,000miles, original radio with the makers tags still on it. no rips in door trims
original paint
still has "get that datsun difference" sticker on the rear window
had a bit of rust behind the front gaurds so i took it back to metal and gave it a coat of primer just to stop it spreading (just the surrounding area)
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k17/jonnos1200/DSCN2857.jpghttp://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k17/jonnos1200/DSCN2858.jpghttp://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k17/jonnos1200/DSCN2859.jpgphoto of the damage (sorry for the quality)
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k17/jonnos1200/partsineed.jpgwanting $600ono
come and have a look
nth ringwood