After seeing the QLD Datto cruise go so well and an idea from Mitch we thought it would be an awesome idea to have a Canberra Christmas cruise and a barby or something. The date is now set in concrete for the 21st of December. Festivities will kick off at 10am by meeting at Brodburger in Kingston for a 'show n shine' of sorts, where we will start cruising at about 12pm! If we can have enough people turn up their is a likely possibility our newly founded Canberra Datsun Club and Cruise will feature in the Australian Street Car magazine! It would be great to have many Datsun owners far and wide come along and enjoy a leisurely afternoon with fellow hobbyists in celebration of our mutual ownership of the greatest vehicles ever created!
Please go check out the FB event for some further details and join up so we understand numbers ... otif_t=plan_mall_activityExcuse the #OOPS#ty poster for the moment it will be updated shortly please pass onto other's and other websites