I was 15 when I bought my first car, a 1976 Datsun B210. I fell in love immediately. I worked on the thing constantly, trying to get it up to the shape I knew it could have been. But I have some terrible news. While I was driving, my front right tire popped. I lost control of the car and skidded into a head on collision with another vehicle, and then slammed into a guard rail. I was extremely lucky. No one else got hurt, and I was able to walk myself to the ambulance. I have to wear a neck brace for the next few weeks, but that's about it. But my car... It's gone. The engine was inside the passenger seat (thank god no one was there). The front fender is bent 90 degrees. I have loved my time with this community and my car, but this is my message goodbye. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Sincerely, Nathaniel B
My with my car the first day I bought it
A picture of my car after working on it for a long time
The results of the wreck