The Radiator Coolant keeps the engine from overheating while protecting it from rust and corrosion. It also prevents it from freezing, so is sometimes called anti-freeze (antifreeze). Straight water can be used, but is subject to rust and to freezing, and non-distilled water can cause particle build up in the cooling system.
Contents |
Daily Care
1972 USA Owners manual (Page 25 ... ):
Before driving or whenever you call at a gas-station, be sure to check ...
- Radiator coolant
- CAUTION: Do not check at gas-station, but only when radiator is cool to the touch
- Remove cap and if fluid level is more than 1 inch below opening, add Coolant. Do not fill to the top.
Fill the radiator with a distilled water in a 50/50 mix of coolant/antifreeze. If you live in freezing areas, check the coolant container for instructions (which may require a 30/70 mix in very cold areas).
- Coolant capacity: 4.9 liter (5-3/16 US quart, 4-5/16 imperial qt)
Many of these brands listed below have changed names.
Antifreeze/Coolant for radiator
1972 USA Owners manual (Page 23 ... ):
Recommended Lubricants
Antifreeze/Coolant Specifications
- Producing: Antifreeze coolant L.L.C. (Nissan "Long Life Coolant")
- Shell Shellzone
- Chevron Atlas Perma Guard antifreeze
- ESSO Long Life Coolant
- ESSO Atlas Long Life Coolant RAD
- Mobile Permazone
- Sunoco Permanent Type
- Texaco Antifreeze Coolant
- Texaco Startex Antifreeze Coolant
Any modern antifreeze/coolant that is compatible with aluminium parts should be acceptable. The Datsun 1200 uses an aluminium head and water pump.
Failure to use coolant with anti-corrosive properties or failing to replace coolant regularly will result in rapid degradation of the aluminium parts.
Check coolant condition using a tester for this purpose, or drain and replace it every 2 years with new, properly mixed coolant, regardless of the manufacturer's claims of years/mileage.
50/50 coolant concentrate and DEMINERALISED water.
Failure to use demineralised water can result in scale build-up in the system. This creates an insulating barrier which reduces the transfer of heat from engine parts to coolant, and coolant to radiator. If the buildup is severe enough, the tubes in the radiator and heater cores will be completely blocked and coolant will not flow.
Using a 'lean' mixture of concentrate-water will not protect from corrosion.
Using too 'rich' of a mixture is expensive and can cause degradation of hoses and other parts, ineffective heat transfer, and ineffective mixture of protective ingredients throughout the system.
The Maintenance Schedule calls for replacement of the engine coolant every two years. Use long-life coolant.
When draining, remove the engine block drain plug too.
When removing this plug, be sure to use a tight fitting 6-point socket/spanner. Failure to do so will result in stripping the corners off the head of the plug. These were manufactured from a very soft steel and are very easy to round off if the incorrect tools are used. You were warned...
Once removed, most of the time you will find it won't drain because decades of rust and scale and crud builds up in this low flow area of the coolant system. Use an old drill bit to hand-drill your way through the crud until it starts to drain, and then stick a running garden hose in the radiator with the radiator hoses connected. Use some thick/stiff fencing wire to poke and scrape around deep into the engine block and break up the remaining chunks inside so the water from the garden hose flowing through will wash it all out. Leave it running until the water comes out clear and clean.
Cold Weather
Anti-freeze coolant protects the engine cooling system from freezing.
Be sure to check that the coolant has these properties as some don't (most do though).
Failure to do so can result in heater and radiator core damage (the frozen fluid expands and splits them apart) among other things.
Use the correct mixture of concentrate-water. Glycol on it's own actually has a freezing point similar to water on it's own. Adding water actually lowers the freezing point (up to a point, then it raises back up when the mixture becomes too lean)
To enable faster starts and lessen wear in sub-freezing temperatures, consider installing a Block Heater.
Part Numbers