Taking a trip to Japan? Here is some Datsun 1200-centric information you might find helpful.
And don't forget to pick up lots of Choro-Q for presents to all your Datsun 1200 mates.
Contents |
Current Events
- Search for 'Vintage Car Events in Japan. Use these keywords:
- 2007 ヴィンテージ カーの イベント
- Google search
Recurring Events
- Aoba Auto Sunny-Truck Meeting
- Daikoku-Futo informal car meet - also includes a swap meet. Daikoku-futo is a parking/rest area off the infamous Rainbow bridge just out of Yokohama Japan.
- Nagano Sunny Meet (April)
- Nagano Classic Car Festival
- Nismo Festival
- Nagoya Classic Car Show (June)
- Nagoya Nostalgic Car Show (November)
- Hot Olds Meet
Nissan Stuff
- Yokohama, right next to Tokyo
- Nissan Stadium in Yokohama - sports colliseum
- Nissan Engine Museum
- 座間記念車庫 - Zama Memorial Warehouse (by invitation only)
Car Lots
- Aoba Auto "The Sunny Truck Shop" in Yokohama specializes in Datsun 1200 trucks. They also sell accessories and parts
- http://www.ms-musashino.co.jp specializes in Classic Cars, and often has a Datsun 1200 ute, Skyline and other cool cars
- Vintage Garage Sepia (Asahi Motor Sales Co., Ltd.), specializes in vintage cars and always has some 1960s/1970s Datsun/Nissan for sale. http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/sepia/map.htm In Saitama prefecture, suburb north of Tokyo.
- http://www.dons-gallery.com Don's Gallery usually has several Sunny Trucks among their classic car inventory. Fujisawa, Kanagawa
- Any small used-car lot. The smaller the better. This is where you can find old cars (though it is unlikely you'll find any Datsuns)
- OK Racing http://www.okracing.jp/guide.html
- OK Racing parts: http://openuser.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/user/ok_racing2003
- 〒435-0006
- 静岡県浜松市東区下石田町 1856
- 1856, Shimoishida-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Pref., Japan
Auto Parts
- Aoba Auto "The Sunny Truck Shop" in Yokohama specializes in Datsun 1200 trucks, accessories and parts. Order ahead of time by email and pick up parts there.
- Sunny Special Shop - Matsuoka-M
- Katori Auto, Katori Chiba Prefecture specializes in Sunny Truck parts and even has some vintage Datsun parts
- Autobacs (various locations). This is a big auto parts store with a different culture, and sometimes they have a good selection of used parts
- Pitroad - Legendary A-series racers. They sell parts too.
- South Yokohama. A small shop in Yokohama. Order ahead of time, pick up. Don't forget to take pictures of thier famous Datsun 1200 Truck
- http://www.matsuoka-m.com in Yokohama. Not easy to get to by train.
- Tomei - Legendary A-series engine builder. They sell parts too."engine room where there was a line of 1000+hp GTR engines, there was this little dude at the end building a little A13 Engine for the little yellow Tomei Replica 1200 Coupe. He couldnt believe it when I told him I play around with them at home. My mate was with me and was spending $80,000 dollars with them, but the engine guy only wanted to talk to me about his little A-series Engine, it was his little pet project, and something different to GTR engines :)"
- Up Garage - auto parts store that has some used-car-parts store.
- Nissan Parts Business (various locations). Don't go to a new-car dealer. Have your part numbers written down before you arrive.
- Junkyards mostly have very new cars (within five years old). Just as in most countries, some are browsing-friendly, most are not. If possible take a Japanese speaker with you. Idea: ask for a JAF badge or car badges in general (get this written down on a card if possible before you visit the wrecking yard).
- Parts Sources#Japan Mail Order
- Nissan Parts Business (various cities) 日産部品. Have a list of part numbers ready, and go back in three days to pick up the parts. Prices are similar to USA Nissan parts prices.
Remember that parts bought to make a profile (for resale) are likely subject to full customs fees. Parts for your own use are usually subject to a dollar amount (like $400 for returning to USA).
Travel Tips
- Take a few photos of your family, house, Datsun 1200, countryside, etc. They make great conversation starters, and allow you to tell others something about yourself even if you don't speak Japanese.
- Take a card with a Datsun 1200 on it, to show people. Young and old will find it interesting that you like old vintage Japan vehicle. Older folks will sometimes tell a story about Datsuns.
- Book Garage
- Kinokuniya bookstore (various locations) including the flag store in Shinjuku/Shinjyuku. They have the best car magazine selection but prices are high (most magazines are $7 USD or more)
- Book Off (various locations) -- used books and magazines. They typically have a few auto books, but always have some like-new Magazines for as little as 100 yen. Their new magazine is good.
Car Magazines
- http://www.superhero.co.jp
- http://www.suzukijidosya.co.jp
- http://www.autozebra.co.jp
- http://www.carboy.co.jp
- http://www.showa99.co.jp
- Best Motoring
- Nostalgic Hero
- J's Tipo
- Vintage/Lightning
- 自動車博物館 Motorcar Museum of Japan "Secret Museum"
- 日産エンジン博物館 [Nissan Engine Museum]
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