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Timing chain replacement
Timing chain replacementPopular
SubmitterVelocitiMore Photos from Velociti   Last Update2007/10/10 6:51    Tell a friendTell a friend
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This is one job that I really dont want to do again.

What you think about the paint job, I couldnt resist seen that it was stripped already.

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Posted: 2007/10/12 7:59  Updated: 2007/10/12 7:59
Home away from home
Joined: 2007/5/18
From: South Africa
Posts: 729
 Re: Timing chain replacement
This is true, I had a 200sti Sentra (SR20DE) that made a hell of a noise from the timing cover until it picked up oil presure. This only happen early in the mornings when the car was cold, not after leaving the for a minute or 2. Nissan SA also told me that this was normal for this engine. I went on to sell this car @ 300000km, still with the origanal timing chain and tentioner in place.

Though, I dont think this applies to my 1400 bakkie, as the chain rattle happened at 4000 rpm, while the engine was hot. After I replaced the whole kit that only cost R150-00 at midas, the problem was solved.

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Posted: 2007/10/12 9:19  Updated: 2007/10/12 9:19
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/11/28
From: South Africa, Bloemfontein
Posts: 1469
 Re: Timing chain replacement
Thanks for the reply.I feel much better now.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/10/11 8:46  Updated: 2007/10/11 8:46
Home away from home
Joined: 2007/5/18
From: South Africa
Posts: 729
 Re: Timing chain replacement
I agree with you on the quality aspect of the new nissan 1400 bakkies. As I have said before the UTE now only has 65000km on the clock and Ive now already had to replace the Universal joints and now the chain tensioner. Maybe I just got a dud.
In defence to Nissan these utes are still cheap to run and part are not expensive at all.

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Posted: 2007/10/11 9:10  Updated: 2007/10/11 9:10
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/11/28
From: South Africa, Bloemfontein
Posts: 1469
 Re: Timing chain replacement
While looking at these timing chain pictures I just remembered a small problem I have with mine.Some people I talked to about it said I must not worry about it, just let it idle until the rattle goes away.

Ok, what happens is that when the car is normal operating temp and driven for a while.I switch off at a parking lot.When come back after let say 1 or 2 minutes and I switch it back on, it makes a rattle noise on the timing chain while the oil preasure light is on.As soon as the light goes out and oil preasure is there, the noise goes away.
My father said I must not rev it when doing this just let it idle to get oil preasure to the chain tensioner which will then press it against the chain like normal.
No noise through the rev range when driving.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/10/11 7:03  Updated: 2007/10/11 7:03
Home away from home
Joined: 2007/5/18
From: South Africa
Posts: 729
 Re: Timing chain replacement
Also I wouldnt be painting the insides of engine components like that, at least where I can see it its only coolant flowing through there, you didnt paint inside where the chain is did you? What paint did you use?

It is heat resistent duco.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/10/11 8:29  Updated: 2007/10/11 8:29
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/9/23
Posts: 2809
 Re: Timing chain replacement
That really is a shame. Makes you question if Nissan's parts quality has taken a dive.
I have never seen a A series tensioner spring fail like this. I have although repaired a tenioner on a corrolla engine (basically the same setup) and the tensioner was a bit sticky on the shaft. A bit of crc and emery paper and it was good as new.

From the description I would have been more inclined to think it was a detination problem on a poorly tuned engine.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/10/10 16:56  Updated: 2007/10/10 16:56
Home away from home
Joined: 2007/5/18
From: South Africa
Posts: 729
 Re: Timing chain replacement
The UTE now only has 65000km on its clock and is a 2006 model, the engine started to make a strange noise at +/- 4000 rpm. After taking it the Nissan, they told me that it is the timing chain that was making this noise, they suggested that the tentioners spring could have lost its tention. Seen that I had to buy a whole chain kit, I replaced all. At the end of the day, it was the tentioner spring spring that had gone soft.
Its not a difficult job to replace the chain, its getting to it, as you can see on the pics, i had to remove the elec fan, and radiator. It would have been easier if the engine was out the UTE. The cover was also a bit of a bastard to get off aswell.
NO, I did not paint inside the chain cover and I did remove the paint from the waterpump housing before I assembled it. The green is not to my liking either, but I sent it to a friend to spray and got it back that way. The engine now again runs quite as the day I bought it.

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Posted: 2007/10/10 9:36  Updated: 2007/10/10 9:36
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/7/15
From: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 3931
 Re: Timing chain replacement
How long have you had the ute? Isnt it basically new?

Also I wouldnt be painting the insides of engine components like that, at least where I can see it its only coolant flowing through there, you didnt paint inside where the chain is did you? What paint did you use?

Some competition engine builders do paint inside blocks to help drain back and also seal in loose sand from casting but that is done properly and wont flake off and block your oil galleries.

And nothing like a stocko engine bay, but thats my 2c.

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Posted: 2007/10/10 10:19  Updated: 2007/10/10 10:19
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/11/28
From: South Africa, Bloemfontein
Posts: 1469
 Re: Timing chain replacement
Was it difficult to put the chain on?
And yes, as mentioned, this thing is still new why the chain replacement.

I would rather have polished the timing chain cover and pully and NOT green for the waterpump.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/10/10 10:27  Updated: 2007/10/10 10:27
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2005/10/16
From: Perth WA
Posts: 2134
 Re: Timing chain replacement
If you know what your doing a timing chain should be easy as! Esp on a engine like this.

And yeh, why did you change it? Chains last for 300,000km or more! Look at Taxies and stuff over here. OHC chain driven motors with over 600,000km... and i doubt weather theive had a chain ever!