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Bluemax |
Posted: 2007/5/26 5:27 Updated: 2007/5/26 5:27 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/8/6 From: Selah, Washington Posts: 640 |
 Re: L18 twin Hitachi setup Nice toes 
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L18_B110 |
Posted: 2007/5/27 5:33 Updated: 2007/5/27 5:33 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2002/8/6 From: Brisbane, Australia Posts: 3792 |
 Re: L18 twin Hitachi setup umm, thanks... I think :lol
yes its heat wrap. its there because I was having issues with fuel vapourising in the bowls when sitting at traffic lights, so it would cough and splutter when you took off until they filled up again. with the heat sheilds and thermal wrap it wasn't a problem.
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possum1200 |
Posted: 2007/5/26 4:02 Updated: 2007/5/26 4:02 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2006/6/6 From: Melbourne Posts: 497 |
 Re: L18 twin Hitachi setup any reason for the heat wrap around the bowls? (im assuming thats wat it is)