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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/10/28 6:49
From under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Registered Users
Posts: 10964
its their choice to OBEY

here is the real culprit under the noses of so many

Posted on: 2020/3/18 14:18
"Australia" is formed by all its geographically listed territories "including" Norfolk, Christmas & Cocos Islands. The word include excludes all else before it therefore you have no legal rights.
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
Home away from home
2011/1/31 2:06
From melbourne
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Posts: 805
Woohoo Im clear

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Posted on: 2020/3/19 4:35
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/10/28 6:49
From under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
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Posts: 10964
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Watch out you might catch nothing worse than a cold!!!
lets crash all economies, send fear and remove everyones
rights for they are begging for toilet paper.

Everyone is a suspect and a possible carrier on the new
war on bio-terror using the SPAMdemic as a starting point
then heading for Global-warmingdemic and infodemic.

Ramping up towards to pure Technocratic Surveillance Capitalism
eg. Dystopian cities with digital versions of money, online censorship,
laws & chip IDs working with 5g GRID. Oh wait no wait netflix? awesome.

No wonder recently new age commie psychos are promoting "UBI"
Universally Based Income likely from digital money from thin air.

Its always the war on something, thats all they want war and fear

Best videos so far by non Hollywood type investigate journalists
best real news you will see anywhere.

Faang-sters LMAO Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Goolag LMAO
you have to listen to these guys podcasts and radio shows.

Posted on: 2020/3/20 2:56
"Australia" is formed by all its geographically listed territories "including" Norfolk, Christmas & Cocos Islands. The word include excludes all else before it therefore you have no legal rights.
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/10/28 6:49
From under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Registered Users
Posts: 10964
LMAO new term by the United Nefarians FLATTEN THE CURVE wtf????

Social Distancing, stay online, stay at home and help the worlds largest industy
rake in more data dollars and suck up all your fear from the elite created hoax.

Stay away from people distance socially but connect digitally

work from home and cook with 5g slowly but surely
LOL LOL LOL harder than ever the crap mass media spews

Posted on: 2020/3/25 8:32
"Australia" is formed by all its geographically listed territories "including" Norfolk, Christmas & Cocos Islands. The word include excludes all else before it therefore you have no legal rights.
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/10/28 6:49
From under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Registered Users
Posts: 10964
No one is stopping you on your quest for reading car stuff
as this is an off topic discussion thread with a title that
should be pretty clear by now. Dont use critical thinking on
your overlords but on your fellow men who are trying to help.
Then again there is no use on helping those so ignorant and
sure of their controlled media sources that constitute the
same McCarthyism disease that was common 60 years ago.

Its not about money, you just dont get it do you?
Its about a Paradigm that was planned for decades.
Its about Common sense placed into "self-isolation".
Its about we letting the insidious lying to the world
on a number of BS agendas that is going to make the
world for our children very bleak for we never took
a stance while they rolled the carpet over us.

I know most people with their little control device fear they
run out of data but if you can watch the links you can see
real investigative journalists, you know the ones that mostly
end up dead, imprisoned or at best fired from mainstream work
for questioning the liars usual misinformation.

These IJs have all the evidence and what we should be discussing.
In fact if you are so concerned about mainly old farts that where
ready to fall over from endless possible complication of old age.
Why even put that in? Did you get those figures from fakebook or
your other fox media? Cmon dont cry the raw prawn again Mik by
bleating numbers without a clue I know you do the CBF victim thing
so well you got it down to an art. If you want numbers then:

32,000+ people still died of the common flu in one month in the US
as reported by the controlled media. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes kill
more but no pandemic called for those real conditions. In a decade prob
you will be a pro-autonomous vehicle minion because the tard media said
there are too many accidents on the road. The great saviour is having
it all delivered by drones while we are imprisoned at home.

Make sure you enjoy the Corona Virus hoax BS that has taken all our
civil liberties and in time our children will be chipped and poisoned
while these monsters laugh about it while we get more cramped from
enforced smart city techno prisons as stated for so long in agenda 2030.

Medically enforced Marshall Law is coming dont forget it.

Posted on: 2020/3/25 12:30

Edited by D on 2020/3/25 12:46:49
Edited by D on 2020/3/25 12:50:58
"Australia" is formed by all its geographically listed territories "including" Norfolk, Christmas & Cocos Islands. The word include excludes all else before it therefore you have no legal rights.
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
Home away from home
2011/1/31 2:06
From melbourne
Registered Users
Posts: 805
This is an "" Off Topic Discussion ""

I definitely agree this virus is nothing more than a glorified flu and I also agree , this is just a practice run for martial law
No need to Berate or finger point Conspiracy theorist

And I dont want to go into detail or names
Due to me dabbling in venture capital , you could actually blame Australian inventors.
I have physically seen some amazing stuff and lemons. Including the things you mentioned D.
You mention
Micro -chipped and that came into affect back in Aust 2006 passed humans trials
Aust designed Face recognition / world monitoring back in 2010 co-connected even with Russia / China
5G in a joint venture with Aust / Israel back in 2011.

They start out with local private funding and soon as they get close, in steps Mr Unlimited Funding with "" Quote "" an offer they cant refuse
These 3 inventors now have a combined wealth of around $22 B , but you wont find them in Forbes top 100.

Gov dont run countries and havent for decades
Tech giant do, along side military and agencies. It all about control, then the money follows

Another interesting fact is that the Aust Constitution has been illegally changed for decades. Every few years a new edition comes out . In some passages a word might slightly change or be left out . 90% of the time , it hasnt gone through the lower house or Governor General... Who really reads it and remembers it ?? A similar word used can have or be used in a different context. 50% of the police powers are technically illegal. Police only answer to 1 person , the Gov Gen , not the Feds or the State. Its written in the Constitution.
I have physically seen a man take a Cop to Supreme Court for randomly being pulled over and asked for his license.
So a little tit bit for the car enthusiast
Try reading the Aust Constitution , especially under "" Freedom of Passage ""

Posted on: 2020/3/25 19:53
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
Home away from home
2000/11/8 8:58
From Taupo New Zealand
Registered Users
Posts: 595
Admin mod comment removed offensive language

Posted on: 2020/3/25 22:49

Edited by pfbranco on 2020/4/3 12:04:57
1970 1200 coupe A15
1972 1600 original except for nana's sheepskins
1978 B310 SR16VE
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/10/28 6:49
From under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Registered Users
Posts: 10964
Admin mod comment removed

Posted on: 2020/3/26 0:36

Edited by pfbranco on 2020/4/3 12:08:08
"Australia" is formed by all its geographically listed territories "including" Norfolk, Christmas & Cocos Islands. The word include excludes all else before it therefore you have no legal rights.
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2008/6/10 15:46
From Armidale N.S.W
Registered Users
Posts: 5652
The topic as i understand it is/was also about whether we as individuals are prepared if this thing is to escalate.(E.g enough toilet paper HA HA)
Not what conspiracy theories we have or believe that those in power are concocting around us and to control us.
I go one step further and request moderators allow members to be blocked and not be able to post in our threads.

Posted on: 2020/3/26 7:39
71 1200 Sedan A12 cruiser build
73 1200 wagon SOLD
76 1200 Ute CA18DE And Stumpy box SOLD.
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Re: Covid-19 Influenza. Prepared?
Home away from home
2011/1/31 2:06
From melbourne
Registered Users
Posts: 805
Wow DatsAndy
Lets go 1 step further !!
Lets request the moderators to block members that
False advertise
Misrepresent parts and bullshit
As I can rattle off , quite a few names

You admit , you havent met D yet you quickly jump up n down criticizing his ability with a spanner.
I am aware of his previous cars due to drag racing all over Melb since the late 80,s.
I have been to his house and I have seen some of his cars and I have seen him with a spanner.
I would like to mention that most datsun enthusiasts would be in awe with the amount of parts he had hidden under his house. ( before he moved ) Yes I agree theory and practical are 2 different things ..

What I like about D , is his ability to challenge everything and push limits
To some its an acquired taste , personally , I luv this lack of table manners

As for myself , I dont really care what people think . I wouldnt know which end of a spanner to hold. But ive had more engines / cars / bikes built n painted than most people.

Maybe this isnt the right place to post this topic
As for this post , no-one told you to read it

Have a nice day

Posted on: 2020/3/26 9:33
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