No one is stopping you on your quest for reading car stuff
as this is an off topic discussion thread with a title that
should be pretty clear by now. Dont use critical thinking on
your overlords but on your fellow men who are trying to help.
Then again there is no use on helping those so ignorant and
sure of their controlled media sources that constitute the
same McCarthyism disease that was common 60 years ago.
Its not about money, you just dont get it do you?
Its about a Paradigm that was planned for decades.
Its about Common sense placed into "self-isolation".
Its about we letting the insidious lying to the world
on a number of BS agendas that is going to make the
world for our children very bleak for we never took
a stance while they rolled the carpet over us.
I know most people with their little control device fear they
run out of data but if you can watch the links you can see
real investigative journalists, you know the ones that mostly
end up dead, imprisoned or at best fired from mainstream work
for questioning the liars usual misinformation.
These IJs have all the evidence and what we should be discussing.
In fact if you are so concerned about mainly old farts that where
ready to fall over from endless possible complication of old age.
Why even put that in? Did you get those figures from fakebook or
your other fox media? Cmon dont cry the raw prawn again Mik by
bleating numbers without a clue I know you do the CBF victim thing
so well you got it down to an art. If you want numbers then:
32,000+ people still died of the common flu in one month in the US
as reported by the controlled media. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes kill
more but no pandemic called for those real conditions. In a decade prob
you will be a pro-autonomous vehicle minion because the tard media said
there are too many accidents on the road. The great saviour is having
it all delivered by drones while we are imprisoned at home.
Make sure you enjoy the Corona Virus hoax BS that has taken all our
civil liberties and in time our children will be chipped and poisoned
while these monsters laugh about it while we get more cramped from
enforced smart city techno prisons as stated for so long in agenda 2030. enforced Marshall Law is coming dont forget it.