Righto, I've been meaning to do this for ages but haven't had a chance until today.
I have no plans on doing the conversion anytime soon but it's something to get everyone thinking.
For an E15 RWD converison there's a few obstacles to overcome if it's going to be successful.
First is engine mounts.
Here's the left side of the motor:

There's a few locations to hang engine mounts off of. I'm not sure if the alternator or aircon compressor normally goes there but it's promising.
Here's the right side of the motor:

This would be tough. There's a monstrous growth under the oil filter (does anyone know what it is???) which could make engine mounts a headache.
Here's the profile which shows the lump:

Maybe it can be ditched, who knows...
The next issue is Dizzy and right below it, the thermostat housing.
The dizzy could be installed with a custom right angle bend or you could go crank-triggered ignition (I would).
The thermostat housing sticks out a fair way, but would still fit in a 1000

Firstly the E15 block only has 4 bolt holes and the A series box has 6 so 2 holes miss out.
Secondly the top left bolt hole is misaligned approx 6mm to the left (spacing on the box is 106mm and the block is 112mm with the right hand hole lining up). Thanks L18_B110 for pointing this out
Other than that, the box goes straight on
Both dowells line up and there were no clashing problems I could see.

Below is a pic looking back from the right side of the motor. Here you can see one hole that doesn't even come close to lining up. Also note that a plate will have to go between the box and block to seal off the bellhousing.

...and below is from the left hand side. It' doesn't look lined up becasue there was a gap between the engine and box at the time.
Here you can see the other hole that clashes on the block right behind the engine number...

So I just thought I'd post this up to get some discussion going.
I got the motor for free and it's a N12 EXA motor (a Pulsar one might differ - I dunno). It was missing most of it's accessories so I can't really comment on that but it's a start