Here is an overveiw of how i did it:
I bought some strong rare earth magnets from "Aussie Magnets"(online) 12mm x 3.5mm witha 6mm hole in the middle. These have a pull strength of 2.4kgs.
Then attached these to some 1/8th fuel-vac hose with 6gx25mm brass countersunk screws(non magnetic, prob not important tho). The hose is cut into 8 160mm lengths. do not fully tighten the magnets to the end of the hoses to ensure the magnets will sit flat on the top of the followers.
Drill a hole through the other end of each piece of hose 10mm down from the end to be able to fit small keyrings.
Get small extension springs to attach to the keyrings and larger keyrings to go on the other end of each spring.
Slide one down each of the pushrod holes then feed a long rod through all the large keyrings and support this between the radiator support panel and firewall. A neat frame could be made instead to bolt to where the rocker towers are fitted but a long rod or timber dowell works fine.
Be carefull not to have too much tension on the springs to prevent a follower dropping into the sump!
Total cost is about $30
Be sure the cam will fit out through the radiator opening in the radiator support panel also!(it did on my car but the lower front apron is removable)
This is a quick way to do a cam change but it is recomended to resurface followers when a new cam is installed. This method would obviously not be possable if you want to change the followers.
I`ll post some pics.

Someone must show me how to do bigger pics!!