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CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
Home away from home
2015/4/22 1:03
From Sydney, Australia
Registered Users
Posts: 160
Hi Guys,

Does anyone know where I can buy a single pulley harmonic balancer for my Ca18det?


Posted on: 2017/12/10 21:30
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Re: CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
2001/5/3 7:04
From 48 North
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Posts: 31638
ROSS makes 2-belt harmonic balancers. I've seen photos of it machined down to 1-belt. And other photos where it appears the front belt-section can be unbolted. It may be useful to contact Ross directly to ask about single-belt use

For those new to the CA18DET:
* CA18DET did not use/does not require a harmonic balancer. It uses a crankshaft pulley without the rubber layer
* Pulsar CA18DET uses a 2-belt pulley
* Silvia CA18DET uses a 3-belt pulley
* Jarrad and Chris both removed one belt-section from the stock pulley with no issues. But others ruined the pulley trying, so it likely depends on exactly which stock Nissan pulley you start with

Posted on: 2017/12/11 0:17
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Re: CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
Home away from home
2005/3/2 7:09
From Canberra
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Posts: 481
Ross race balancer is a single pulley. I have one on my ca and will take a photo when I get home.

Posted on: 2017/12/11 23:44
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Re: CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
Home away from home
2015/4/22 1:03
From Sydney, Australia
Registered Users
Posts: 160
Thanks Mcgee,

They are about $650 yeah?

Can you have a radiator with shroud with that?


Posted on: 2017/12/12 1:40
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Re: CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
Home away from home
2003/11/27 13:29
From Melbourne
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Posts: 905
I looked into this when doing my CA conversion as the 3-pulley was touching the bottom of the radiator.
The options I found were pretty much what has already been stated above:
1) cutting the stock 3-pulley down (this is virtually impossible and I would suggest that even if you got it machined down it would be a risk of falling apart)
2) use an EXA 2-pulley.
3) buy one of the 3-pulley billet ones off eBay, which could be machined down to a single....but these are not really harmonic balancers. These have no dampener in them.
4) buy the Ross full metal jacket single pulley. Pretty expensive at around $630.
5) buy a powerbond under drive 3-pulley and have it machined down.

I did option 5, but only had it machined down to a two pulley. This gave me the space I needed and still kept the integrity of the balancer. So far so good...but I haven't had my engine at high revs yet.

Posted on: 2017/12/12 1:47
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Re: CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
Home away from home
2005/3/2 7:09
From Canberra
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Posts: 481
With the Ross balancer the water pump pulley becomes the limiting factor for radiator shrouds. The bolts from the water pump stick out further then the balancer. Have photos but not sure how to upload them anymore since photobucket did it’s dodgy change

Posted on: 2017/12/12 3:02
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Re: CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
Home away from home
2015/4/22 1:03
From Sydney, Australia
Registered Users
Posts: 160
Thanks guys, so basically it is not possible to have a radiator with a shroud with CA conversion?

Posted on: 2017/12/12 3:41
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Re: CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
Home away from home
2005/3/2 7:09
From Canberra
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Posts: 481
Its not impossible, just not easy. There may be room to run an offset fan. This is of course with an unmodified radiator support panel, if you modify this panel you can sit the radiator further forward giving more room for a fan/shroud.

Posted on: 2017/12/12 22:41
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Re: CA18det harmonic balancer single pulley
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/10/28 6:49
From under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
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Posts: 10946
the twin pulley is great from fwd ca16de.
otherwise there is a taiwanese company
that do one offs, but cant find the site atm
they prob charge 100aud plus post.
They do all kinds of things even fibreglass,
tailights, headlights and any one off sample(s)
its on

Posted on: 2017/12/15 11:38

Edited by D on 2017/12/15 12:10:41
"Australia" is formed by all its geographically listed territories "including" Norfolk, Christmas & Cocos Islands. The word include excludes all else before it therefore you have no legal rights.
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