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The green area is the flange or plate to act as a flange
It could go all the way across the bottom if you cut the
complete base area of the sump including the A series front hump
but you must make sure you give it a little angle before it
meets the window drain area at the front.
Being flat steel plate you can bend it a tad to create this angle
and the yellow dots indicate nuts on the outside to secure the
SR hump but the pink ones indicate fastening from the inside.
Use studs on the sr hump and lock nuts for securing.
This is nothing flashy just purpose build that reflected my older
Alfa engines which came with winged sumps since after the war
if not before ww2 also. Alfa and Abart Fiats rust buckets were
my favorite budget cars their engineering if nothing else.
Datsuns equally fave at the time for their simplicity
and lightweight potential that allowed for more tinkering.