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South Africa 1400 Brochure

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Categories: B140 | Documentation

2006 June 
1400 Brochure
Nissan South Africa



8 page brochure, 2 sheets folded.
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A single word that captures more than a vision. More than a philosophy. It’s a dedication to looking at the familiar in a different way. To opening the mind to new ways of thinking. And forever advancing the way people move through the world.

Page 1 & 2


Wherever you travel in your 1400 Bakkie, you will have the peace of mind of our commitment to your continued motoring pleasure, to keeping you going, and ensuring that you arrive safely. From the proven reliability of the 1400 Bakkie, to a nationwide dealer network of modern repair and servicing facilities, we go out of our way to make your journey as trouble-free as is humanly possible.

Every 1400 Bakkie comes with a 12 month unlimited km guarantee and a three year warranty against rust and corrosion. These pledges are backed by a no-hassle attitude towards honouring our obligations.

Waar jy ookal met jou 1400 Bakkie reis, kan jy gerus wees in die wete dat ons toegewy is aan jou voortgesette rygenot sodat jy altyd voorspoedig kan ry en keer op keer jou bestemming veilig kan bereik. Met die bewese betroubaarheid van die 1400 Bakkie en die ondersteuning van ons landswye handelaarsnetwerk met sy moderne versieningsen herstelgeriewe, ontsien ons geen moeite om elke reis vir jou so probleemvry as menslik moontlik te maak nie.

Elke 1400 Bakkie word beskerm deur’n onvoorwaardelike waarborg van 12 maande en onbeperkte kilometers, met’n 3-jaar waarborg teen roes en korrosie. Dit word gerugsteun deur’n kibbelvrye benadering wanneer ons ons verpligtinge moet nakom.

Page 3 & 4

photo03 STANDARD 1400 BAKKIE

If it’s no frills, hard-working muscle you need, the Nissan 1400 Bakkie gets the job done. Up front, it’s got a never-say-die 47kW engine linked to an economical five speed gearbox. At the back, an extra tough high- tensile steel loadbox takes everything from boxes to bricks. And no matter what you are loading, rear wheel drive gives power where it’s needed most – directly under the load. In any condition, from the unforgiving city to the punishing heartland. And when it’s all over, it’ll leave you with enough fuel to do it all over again.

As dit eenvoudige, hardwerkende spierkrag is wat jy soek, is die Nissan 1400 Bakkie net die voertuig vir jou. Voor lê ’n kanniedood 47kW enjin gekoppel aan ’n ekonomiese vyf-spoed ratkas. En sy ekstra taai trekstaal laaibak is gereed vir enigiets van bokse tot bakstene. Maak nie saak wat jy agter op gooi nie, agterwielaandrywing gee jou woema waar jy dit die nodigste het – direk onder die vrag. Van die verkeer tot die rofste grond- paaie. En as dit alles verby is, sal daar nog meer as genoeg brandstof oor wees om dit weer te doen.

Page 5

05 1400 CHAMP

All work and no play is no fun. Which is why the 1400 Champ gives you that little bit extra without compromising its under-the-skin durability. Rugged, sporty styling is emphasised by spotlamps, decals, blackouts and a tinted windscreen. Inside, you’ll feel the comfort of individual bucket seats, cloth upholstery, a rev counter and a soft grip steering wheel. It’s built around the same reliable engine, while the big loadbox swallows everything from cooler boxes to surfboards. Whether you’re playing or working, the 1400 Champ lets you go your own way.

Daar kom mos ’n tyd wanneer die werk klaar is. Dit is wanneer die 1400 Champ daardie bietjie ekstra bied sonder dat daardie onkeerbare uithouvermoë in gedrang gebring word. Sy sportiewe voorkoms word beklem- toon deur kolligte, sierstroke, swart afwerking en ’n getinte windskerm, terwyl afsonderlike skottelsitplekke, materiaaloortreksels vir die sitplekke en ’n sagte-greep stuurwiel die binneruim afrond. Maar hy word steeds gebou rondom dieselfde betroubare enjin, terwyl sy groot laairuim alles insluk van koelbokse tot strandsam- brele. Of jy nou speel of werk, die 1400 Champ gee jou die kans om dinge op jou eie manier te doen.

When there’s a job to be done, Africa’s tough-as-nails range of 1400 Bakkies will never let you down. With an indestructible engine, load-lugging rear wheel drive and the undisputed respect of all who own and operate them, the 1400 Bakkie is built to survive the harshest of local conditions. For 30 years it has cut its teeth on the best and worst of South African roads – whatever the load, whatever the distance, the Champion of Africa is with you all the way.

As daar gewerk moet word, sal Afrika se rateltaai 1400-reeks bakkies jou nooit in die steek laat nie. Met ’n onvernietigbare enjin, vragdraende agterwielaandrywing en die verdiende respek van almal wat hulle besit, is die 1400 Bakkie gebou om die ergste situasies moontlik kaf te draf.

Vir meer as 30 jaar het dié bakkie homself bewys op die beste en slegste paaie in Suid-Afrika. Wat ookal die vrag, hoe ver ookal die afstand, die Kampioen van Afrika is altyd met jou.

Page 6 Specifications

  1400 STD   1400 CHAMP
  408        B01  
  A14 4 CYL / 4 SIL
  Displacement / Verplasingsinhoud (cm3)     1397
  Bore x stroke / Boring x slag (mm)         76 x 77
  Compression ratio / Drukverhouding         9.4 : 1
  Max power / Kragpiek (kW @ rpm-SABS)       47 @ 6000
  Max torque / Wringkragpiek (Nm @ rpm-SABS) 97 @ 2500
  5 speed manual / 5 spoed handrat
  Ratio: 1st / Verhouding: 1ste  3,513
  Ratio: 2nd / Verhouding: 2de   2,170
  Ratio: 3rd / Verhouding: 3de   1,378
  Ratio: 4th / Verhouding: 4de   1,000
  Ratio: 5th / Verhouding: 5de   0,821
  Final drive ratio /            3,910
  Recirculating ball / Hersirkuleerkoeël
  Turning radius / Draaisirkel (m)  8.2
  GVM / BVM (kg)                           1349 1360
  Tare mass / Tarra massa (kg)             758  772
  Gross payload / Bruto loonvrag  (kg)     591  588
  Overall length / Totale lengte  (mm)     3845
  Overall width / Totale breedte  (mm)     1495
  Overall height / Totale hoogte  (mm)     1425
  Overall wheelbase / Totale asafstand     2300
  Loadbox length / Laaibak lengte (mm)     1518
  Loadbox width / Laaibak breedte (mm)     1285
  Ground clearance / Grondvryhoogte        160
  Fuel tank capacity / Brandstofkapasiteit 45 litre
  Front / Voor       Ind. strut, coil springs & stabiliser bar / 
                     Onaf. stuttipe, kronkelvere & stabiliseerstaaf
  Rear / Agter       Live axle, semi-elliptic leaf springs / 
                     Draai-as, halfelliptiese bladvere
  Shock absorbers /  Telescopic double-acting /
  Skokbrekers        Teleskopiese dubbelwerking
  Brakes / Remme     Power assisted front discs and rear drums / 
                     Kraghulp-skywe voor en trommels agter
INTERIOR / BINNERUIM                      STD CHAMP
  Heater & demister /                     •  •
  Verwarmer & ontwasemer
  Bench seat / Banksitplek                •
  Bucket seats with cloth inserts /          •
  Skottelsitplekke met materiaalinsetsels
  Inertia reel safety belts /             •  •
  Rukstop sitplekgordels
  Interior light / Binneliggie               •
  Trip meter / Ritmeter                      •
  Handrem op vloer
  Floor mounted handbrake /               •  •
  Moulded floor carpet / Gevormde tapyt   •  •
  Tachometer / Tagometer                     •
  3-spoke steering wheel /                •  •
  3-speek stuurwiel
  Head restraints / Kopstutte                •
  Door panels with cloth inserts /           •
  Deurpanele met materiaalinsetsels
  Floor console / Vloerkonsole            •  •
  Front black bumper /                    •  •
  Swart buffer voor
  Door vent windows / Deursyvenstertjies  •  •
  Dual exterior mirrors /                 •  •
  Twee buite-truspieëls
  Curved rear window / Geronde agterruit  •  •
  Loadbox with double side panels /       •  •
  Laaibak met dubbele kantpanele
  Lockable fuel lid /                     •  •
  Sluitbare brandstofvuldeksel
  Halogen headlamps / Halogeen koplampe   •  •
  12” spoker wheels / 12” speekwiele      White/Wit  
  Spot lamps / Kolligte                      •
  Tonneau cover / Bakseil                    •
  Tinted windshield / Getinte voorruit       •
  Mudflaps (front and rear) /                •
  Modderflappe (voor en agter)
  Size & type / Grootte & tipe   4J X 12 Steel / Staal
  Tyres / Bande                  155SR12a


photoSHIFT_ is an English word from a Japanese car company that best embraces our values and the mission of this corporation. No matter where you are in the world, SHIFT_ is the way we express who we are, how we work and what we are trying to accomplish. Everything we touch, we SHIFT_. And everything we SHIFT_ we try to make better and uniquely NISSAN.

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SHIFT_ dependability

Every effort has been made to ensure that the content of this publication is correct at the time of going to press (June 2006). This brochure has been produced featuring prototype vehicles exhibited at motor shows and, in accordance with the company’s policy of continuously improving its products, Nissan South Africa reserves the right to change the specification and the vehicles described and shown in this publication at any time. Nissan dealers will be informed of any such modifications as quickly as possible. Please check with your local Nissan dealer to receive the most up-to-date information. Due to the limitations of the printing processes used, the colours shown in this brochure may differ slightly from the actual colours of the paint and interior trim materials used. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of this brochure without the written permission of Nissan is forbidden.