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Main : Mechanical : Engine a12t side

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a12t side
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Submitterchris1200tMore Photos from chris1200t   Last Update2005/12/4 8:00    Tell a friendTell a friend
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Showing the carb box and the exhust manafuld and inlet

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/9/22 20:12  Updated: 2006/9/22 20:12
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2006/2/26
From: Cascais/Portugal
Posts: 118
 Re: a12t side
lindas havia mais tubos?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/12/4 9:44  Updated: 2005/12/4 9:44
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2004/11/30
From: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 129
 Re: a12t side
yeh 1200rallycar its a blowthrough setup. the reason i didnt want to make a sucka is that iv allready done one and had it running all good and then one day i decided hey why not have a crack at a blowthrough setup. so as you can see i boxed a hitachi carby with a solid flote and am running a 135 in the primary jet and a drilled in the secondary. Also im using a IHI rhb5 turbo.

To explain it all the 2 pipes that come out if the inlets 1,2 and 3,4 connect up to two other pipes that come out of the bottem of the carby box and you can see where the turbo connects to the box. The internals are pretty much stock except a decomped head. I still need a electric fuel pump, regulator and to retard the timing.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/12/4 11:49  Updated: 2005/12/4 11:49
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/1/18
From: Ipswich,QLD
Posts: 950
 Re: a12t side
I was waiting for the pictures ,wasnt shure if you had given up ,good to see it all bolted up and on the way ,May i ask why you went blow through ..Could you post a pick of inside th box for a peep ..
Did it take much work to move the turbo from where i had it .
Oh yeah chris if your going to weld the manifold more bolt it up to a spare head this will help the plate from warping .theres also enough plate there to machine it flate for a good seal to the head keep up the work.......

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/12/11 4:30  Updated: 2005/12/11 4:30
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2001/1/30
From: California
Posts: 2973
 Re: a12t side
Well, no pretty points, but sure hope it runs hard for ya

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/12/4 8:31  Updated: 2005/12/4 8:31
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/3/20
From: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 8221
 Re: a12t side
looks awesome.... but i have to ask, why when you've gone to the effort to fabricate everything, would you go for a suck through setup?

if i remember rightly you are in melbourne, what are are you in, im in bayswater i wouldnt mind having a look and chat with you (send me a PM if you like)

edit: it's not suck through is it? but youve still remote mounted the carbie, why? can you explain more about the setup please

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/12/4 8:47  Updated: 2005/12/4 8:47
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/1/5
From: campbelltown (sydney) australia
Posts: 1802
 Re: a12t side
are all those manifolds mild steel? can you please explain the setup i cant make out whats going where ..... is that a water injection line on the airbox looks like the same as mine....