Ok, I finally had a free weekend and got a chance to get stuck into the initial stages of the conversion. The car is now at my long suffering parents house, convenient for me as all the mess stays there & I get free lunch & a spare pair of hands when needed..
So here it is with a few of the parts disconnected. Basically all that was left was to drop the tailshaft..

I ended up buying an engine crane, the front wheels were a bit tall but with the sunnys front wheels on a block of wood it made short work of the removal of the A series- so long!

Here is a pic of the
Mad Dat fitting kit that I ended up buying. It comes with new crossmembers and sway bar and various bushes. It seems to sit the motor quite far back in the engine bay, not a bad thing, but it's a super tight fit.

Here is the crossmember fitted. Nothing has been tidied up as yet. I can see the motor being in and out a few times yet...

The exhaust was still on in this pic but had to come off- love those rusted on nuts.. All good though, everything now prepped for trial fit No. 1..

And here it is 'sitting' in place with the aid of the hoist. A few brackets on the car needed moving and i think the firewall may need some massaging for a clean fit, but i was happy with the effort for the weekend.

I should have it in there on its own mounts this week so i can start sorting out the major parts involved in starting the thing.
One question I have so far is the gearstick is not going to come out in the original position, so need to enlarge or relocate the hole. My issue is that it looks like it may be under a reinforcing part of the car between the seats, just in front of the hand brake. Any sunny owners had the same issue?? What did you put back in its place to strengthen it?
Any way, it's finally started so I'm happy. Forgot how good these little cars are to work on! It's been a few years since I touched one but it all comes back. I was surprised how clean the car has been kept, it is in really good nick. Coolant was sooo clean, oil still fresh. If anyone wants an exhaust system, it looks brand new, take it! And the engine is up for grabs as well so make an offer if your interested..