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[Datsun 1200 encyclopedia]


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Categories: A-series Engines | Nissan Vehicles

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The Cherry X-1R, along with the Skyline GT-R, is a famous car that forms Nissan's R history. It debuted in March 1973 as a derivative of the first-generation Cherry, which was Nissan's first full-fledged FWD model. The base model is the X-1 coupe, which gained popularity for its bold styling.

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1. 1970-1974 E10 Nissan Cherry, marketed in various countries as Datsun Cherry, Datsun Cherry FF, Datsun 100A or 120A. チェリー (Cherry) was, like the Sunny, a subcompact car, but had front wheel drive.

2. Cherry X-1 models (KPE10K) carried the A12T Hitachi Twin Carb engine.

3. The top Cherry was the X-1R (1973, (PE10STE)), a special model with 160km top speed and simplified interior, designed to transfer the power of the twin carb engine to the pavement. The focus was on racing and suspension, with increased damping, spring rates and larger wheels and tires with standard overfender flares

 V I D E O S : Cherry X-1R (click to search)
68 PE10   (A12)
80 PE10-K (A12 with twin carb) X-1

The most famous feature of the X-1R is "overfender flares".

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Registered in Japan as of 2010:
* There are 148 twin-carb E10
* There are 53 X-1R coupes registered
* There are no PE10RTK (2-dr X-1) registered

Scale Models

Model: EBBRO Racing Car Collection SCCN #18
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X -1R 1200 (KPE 10STE)
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1200ccツインキャブ 80ps 160km/h
Nissan Cherry
1200cc twin-cylinder 80hp 160km/h
Nissan Cherry
4-speed floor shift
(Accent stripes are optional)

March 1973: Hoshino Wins!!

June 1973: Wow, We Won


Cherry X1 was fitted with Lucas fuel injection.

Waiting for the actual battle!
Cherry Coupe X-1

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10月下旬、発売まちかいチェリー·クープが富士スピードウェイそ試走した。エアロダイナミックスなプレーンバック·スタイルは、この高速コースによくマッチし、高性能の1270cc(ルーカス·インジェクション付き)と相まって、かなりの成果を得たという。その後、ニッサン·チームは実戦に参加すべく、同社の村山テスト·コースで最後の調整にはげんでいる。 In late October, the soon-to-be-released Cherry Coupe was test-run at Fuji Speedway. The aerodynamic plane-back style matches this high-speed course well, and combined with the high-performance 1270cc engine (with Lucas injection), it is said to have produced some impressive results. Since then, the Nissan team has been working hard on making final adjustments at the company's Murayama test course in preparation for its participation in the actual race.

[レースカーの写真 race car photo]
ニッサンのテスト·コースを突っ走るチェリ-X·1、らドライバーはぎ平信二、神戸製鋼製のマグネシウム·ホイールポープく光る。 The Cherry X-1, driven by Shinji Hagihira, speeds around Nissan's test course, its magnesium wheels made by Kobe Steel shining brightly.

[エンジン写真 engine photo]
125馬力万以上の出力を持つワークス·チューンのんにエンジン·インジェクションはルーカス The works-tuned engine has over 125 horsepower and Lucas injection

[側面写真 side view photo]
チェリー·クーペX·1のサイド·ビュー,フロント·スポイラーとテール·ウイングは、スポーツキットとして発売される予定。 The side view, front spoiler and tail wing of the Cherry Coupe X-1 will be released as a sports kit.

1973 X-1R Photos

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X1R X-1-R 


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