Boo hoo chump. read it again and again and again. Read all the bitching on this forum that is directed at me. Make up your own mind. Have a cry about me. It wont change me. The fact is its a forum. You can write a sentence and without tone of voice it can have 2 meanings. Have a cry. Have your say. Make yourself look cool. Fact is you showed your true colours. perthute showed his true colours. Like I have always said. Write something on the internet. Dont cry when someone questions you about it. If you are all full of the advive that you try to appear to give - You will simply have no problem answering simple questions. If you cant answer the question, history shows that the next reaction is to cry in self defence.
Get a ####ing life. Cry that I ruin the forum with my words without tones, But i will always comment when i read people writing bullshit advice that i know from experience is bullshit.
Why give advice if you have no experience in what you are talking about? If people think about that, it will make this forum a better place. If you dont want me to post - dont write bullshit. Simple.
Now go back to congradulating yourself. You the man.
or is it - You the man