1. If cylinder bore is ok, can I reuse pistons and simply hone and replace rings? No need to replace pistons with this size dish that is matched up with GX head?
Yes. CC the pistons and the head to determine the compression ratio. Up to 11:1 is OK for premium gasoline.
2. Turn crankshaft and replace bearings. I have some end play, which will need to be repaired?
End play needs to be fixed. Turning the crank is rarely needed unless the crank is damaged.
3. Replace camshaft and lifters as you noted. Install new cam bearings. Can I reuse the pushrods from the A15 cylinder head?
Negatory on the cam bearings. They last the life of the engine. If you do replace them it requires machining.
Yes, reuse the pushrods.
4. Do I replace freeze plugs?
Only if they are damaged, pitted or soft. It's hard to tell so most replace them regardless.
5. camshaft_replacement....This link indicates more than 15mm extension of the tensioner replace the timing chain. If so, can I reuse the gears or replace both gears as well?
From your photo, you have less than 10mm extended. But if more than 15, swap the A12 gears and chain onto the A15. It's the same. The factory Datsun double-roller chain is super strong and virtually never wears out.
6. Replace oil pump?
Not usually. Not unless it is visibly worn. Disassemble and view the insides. If it doesn't look worn, reuse it. If you see any wear or scoring, then replace it.
7. Expect to replace all GX head valve springs?
Depends. Inspect them per the factory service manual for length and pressure. 40 year old springs are still turning to redline.
8. Will plan to get the cylinder head rebuilt. Any advice here? History of A12 engine is unknown.
Not usually needed. Inspect the head per
inpecting a used head9. Will the GX exhaust manifold work that I show in the pictures? Is this the stock GX exhaust? I couldnt believe what someone was asking for this in the classified section.
Yes it's worth $600. And better than a tubular header for general all around street use.
10. Carbs will need to be rebuilt. Any additional information on these based on what you see in the pictures?
Su-type carbs are super-simple. Only need rebuilding if the shafts are no longer tight. Otherwise "rebuilding" means cleaning and adjusting. See
Twin Carb adjustment. If your goal is to make them look new, Z-Therapy can do it. Otherwise just use them and enjoy them.
Yes, 5-speed is very rare. And not strong enough to use with an A15, so use an A14/A15 heavy duty transmission.