Harry, these figures are ATW(hubs) but without a gearbox. so its an engine test frame that bolts to a H165 diff via a tail shaft. Yeah, that inlet manifold wont helping things much with the big cam!
I put the
260@.050 cam in yesterday. I didn't do the springs as I wanted to run the cam in on the standard ones first.
I ran the engine at 2-3000 Rpm for about 20 mins to run the cam in before starting to push it.
I backed the gate back to 15Psi to start to get the fueling and timing where it needed to be. I had to remove fuel to 4K and ad fuel past 5500. This meant it must have been shifting more air past 5500Rpm. I set the rev limit to 6500. Encouraging signs..
Then went to 18Psi and bumped the rpm limit to 7200. timing at 24Deg, then 26, then 28. Power and torque increasing each time timing was added.
Unfortunately on the 28 deg, 18Psi run it lifted the head again and pushed a bit of water out of the radiator. I didn't try to do any more after that. I would have loved to get it back up to the 24Psi that I tested the old cam too, but looks like It will need studs for that(or at least retension the head!!lol).
Did some digging back through the logs to find an 18 PSI run at 28Deg with the old cam for comparison. Here are the differences.
STD cam, 176Nm at 5600(228Kpa) and 107Kw at 6300(222Kpa)
Big cam, 170Nm at 6300(222Kpa) and 120Kw at 7200(222Kpa), power still climbing set rpm limit.
I was hoping that it might come on earlier with the fresh intake charge being blown through into the exhaust manifold on overlap( a bit like antilag). This happened on the race car with this same cam but didn't on this engine. Could be the tuned manifolds or hotter exhaust being the difference.
If I was to make a recommendation based on the testing so far, It would be to use the standard cam and smaller turbo(R32-33) if building it for the street with these manifolds. The cost in later boost wouldn't be worth the extra power going to the larger R34 turbo on the street. The other advantage is you can use the smaller 880 cc injector located in the manifold, use unleaded and still make good power(around 80kw at 12Psi). This also allows intercooling.
I have been impressed at how much power the STD A12 head will make. I do think its good for 140+Kw with a cam and springs and the larger R34 BB turbo. I'd also recommend a new inlet manifold with four injectors pointing into cleaned up ports and head studs. Be good for someone that wanted to take it to the track etc, but would also need a gearbox upgrade.